“O God, who from among all your angels chose the Archangel Gabriel to announce the mystery of the Incarnation, mercifully grant that we who proclaim the message of your Gospel on earth may feel the benefit of his patronage in heaven, where he sings your praises for ever and ever. Amen.”
Two Goals
The goal of the parish communication group is to perform the ministry of Evangelization through helping to develop publications (Flyers, Bulletins, Posters, Cards etc) and Electronic Media (Web Site, Blogs, Email, Scheduled Events etc). In order to attain these goals we need a diverse group of volunteers with technical skills and good writing skills (both in English and Spanish).
Put St. Anthony’s on the Web!
One of the fundamental needs of our parish is the ability to develop an internet web site that can be used to help bring new people into our parish. If you know how to build web-pages, understand how to build web-sites, are good at writing, layout, editing, graphics arts then one opportunity for you is to help us design, host and maintain a parish web-site.
Communications Group for the Future
We currently do not have a group focused on making sure that all of the activities at the parish are communicated to the parish. This work includes producing brochures (like this one), bulletins, cards, posters and a parish web-site. Working with the Communications Group is an excellent way to become aware of all of the many activities that are going on here at the parish.
What kind of Training is Involved?
There is no training involved. We will collaborate to put together a parish web-site.
What do I need?
Access to a computer with an internet connection and an email account.
Who do I contact to get involved?
Contact Deacon Paul at the Office (303)-935-2431 x315 or by email
This is a computer project – so email is the best way to get a hold of the deacon.