Altar and Rosary
What is the Altar and Rosary Society?
The Altar and Rosary Society is a group of volunteers who help the church in many ways. It has been of service to St. Anthony of Padua Church for over 50 years.
When does the Society Meet?
Meetings are held on the first Monday evening of the month from September to May except when the first Monday falls on a holiday; then it is held the following Monday. Potluck dinners are held in September, December, and May. We meet in the Parish Center at 6:30 p.m. until around 8:30 p.m.
What does the Society do at their meetings?
We share prayer requests and recite the rosary before each business meeting. We discuss what our Pastor needs from us; what our current duties are; and we plan for upcoming events, fundraisers, etc. Afterward, we enjoy refreshments and wonderful fellowship.
What events does the Society sponsor?
Mass: We sponsor two masses a year to honor our current and deceased members.
Retreats: We hold occasional retreats.
Receptions: We help with funeral receptions as well as receptions for clergy, etc.
Annual Parish Fiesta: We sponsor a booth and volunteer where needed.
Building Up the Parish
We have met so many wonderful people and believe that through volunteering, we are helping to build the Christian Community at St. Anthony’s Church. Many of us have been volunteering for over 20 years and we still enjoy it.
Fellowship and Spiritual Growth
We enjoy the fellowship from attending the meetings, especially since we always start with prayer. We have belonged to other groups that we believe help our community, but Altar and Rosary has helped to increase our faith and has led us to many beautiful friendships. The retreats sponsored by Altar & Rosary have filled a spiritual need and brought us to a closer relationship and understanding of our faith.
Help the Parish
Altar and Rosary is a loving, caring, group of people who help the parish in many ways.
How does the Society spend its funds?
We donate $50.00 a month to the Food Bank; we send Get Well, Thinking of You, or Sympathy cards to our members or their families; we helped pay for a Processional Cross (the Knights of Columbus paid for half of it). We have purchased an Easter candle stand, vacuum cleaners, coffee pots, plaques for our deceased priests and deacons, easels, chairs, carpeting, and cleaning supplies. We have contributed toward new altar server robes and front entrance tile. We contributed 1/3 for a stove in the kitchen and we continue to help as needed.
What does it cost to become a member of the Society?
Annual dues are $5 per member, per year. They are collected in the Fall when we sponsor our annual membership drive.
What duties does the Society have?
Altar Care – This includes keeping the Altar vacuumed, dusted, and looking nice and polishing the candle stands, washing and refilling candleholders, washing and refilling Holy Water fonts, cleaning the entry way, including the windows and polishing the doors. We dust and tidy the confessionals. We also sponsor an annual Spring Cleaning event and recruit help for that! We are grateful for all the help we get!
Volunteers take turns to provide refreshments for our business meetings.
Social Times?
We delight in our annual Christmas Party! We share a potluck dinner, exchange gifts, and enjoy great entertainment.
How do I get Involved?
Just pick up the phone and call Barb Marquez or Norella Ortiz.
Barb Marquez (English) (303) 922-9377
Norella Ortiz (Spanish) (303) 975-0583
Anyone is welcome to attend our meetings on the first Monday of the month from September through May. If the first Monday falls on a holiday, then we meet the following Monday.
Are you a “Martha” or a “Mary”?
The Lord said to her in reply, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.” Luke 10:41-42
We recommend this Church family to anyone who needs to feel Christ in their life and the need to reach out to others in faith. Help us to help others by serving God at St. Anthony of Padua. We always encourage and welcome new members!
– Altar & Rosary Members